→ November was a busy month in the Madison Valley and December is coming way too fast! Tomorrow, to be exact! That means scramble to get everything done for the holidays!
→ Front page news in the Madisonian featured an article about the new Medical Marijuana ordinance in the Town of Ennis that will go into effect on December 5, 2010. I guess it makes little ‘ole Ennis seem quite progressive. And if you are interested, you can read the ordinance at http://www.ennismontana.org/.
→ Thanksgiving always brings quite a few families and visitors to the area. This year, the wild weather made getting in or out of Ennis quite a challenge. It made the saying, “There are no Wimps in Montana” even more meaningful.
→ The Madison Valley Woman’s Club, a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, hosts a big Holiday Bazaar every year on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. This year was no exception, with over 50 vendors and an overwhelming abundance of handcrafted items for sale. Brave shoppers came through deep snow to participate.
→This photo was taken from the Veteran's Memorial at the end of Main Street, showing the piles of snow and the snow covered mountains in the Madison range. It is so beautiful. The weather is still relatively mild with temperatures in the balmy teens. And we'd love to be out showing property!